Who knew having kids could change everything? I started this blog to keep my family and friends up to date on all the adventures and mishaps of being a mom.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

M-I-C... See ya real soon

14 weeks from today, I’m heading to Disneyland J I realize that may seem like an awfully long time but I have been looking forward to this since Emersyn was born. My mom and I have been going to Disneyland the week after Thanksgiving for years upon years upon years. It is our family tradition. Last year we missed it due to a new baby, but this year we are heading over. A little known secret and one that I am hopefully not ruining is…. That the week after Thanksgiving is the best time to go. The park is decorated for Christmas, the holiday snacks are in all the restaurants AND there is barely a crowd since everyone came the week before.

Some of you may be wondering why on earth we would want to take a 1 year old to Disney who is going to remember NOTHING of the trip. Well, because Disneyland is more than the rides and the food and the atmosphere. It is about spending time with your family and making memories. Alex and I will remember the memories from this trip and we will be together as a family.

This year instead of just my mom and me, Alex will obviously be coming. He stopped being a Disneyland virgin last March when we all went over spring break. I am excited to go on more rides with him this time since his first time was when I was 3 months pregnant and I skipped most the rides. Plus, my aunt is coming along. She hates most roller coasters so she is the perfect addition when we have a toddler that can’t go on them J Plus, we will be utilizing the stroller swap a lot. And of course, my princess will be first of many trips to the magic kingdom.

Now I will admit as a compulsive and neurotic planner, I have been researching online and reading articles about taking a 1 year old to Disney. Mine message in all of them- take it slower. Bathroom breaks will take longer, eating will take longer, and breaks will occur more. I am fine with that. This trip is not about the amount of rides we go on or the parades or the characters. This trip is about seeing her face light up when we walk through the gates and into the most magical place in the world!

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