Who knew having kids could change everything? I started this blog to keep my family and friends up to date on all the adventures and mishaps of being a mom.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Peek a Boo

One of Emersyn's favorite games to play is Peek A Boo. She loves to have anything from burp clothes, to towels, to daddy's shirt thrown over her head so that she can pull it off and we'll both clap for her and shout "There you are!" It has gotten so bad that she has taken to playing even when we don't put something on in her head. She improvises and uses her bib. Since she is always wearing one due to the plethora of drool this girl produces... it actually works out well. And you have to give the girl props for being creative and thinking outside the box to make her favorite game work when mommy and daddy are not playing along :-)

Where's Emersyn???

Wait for it..... 

There she is!!!!

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