Who knew having kids could change everything? I started this blog to keep my family and friends up to date on all the adventures and mishaps of being a mom.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Where is the camera when I need it!

We have a rule in our house (that I implemented 2 weeks ago), no babies out of bed before 6:00am. Emersyn may wake up before then on occasion, but she only gets her binky put back in her mouth or I let her play in her crib. I am lucky that she is very good about entertaining herself. This morning about 5:10am as I got out of the shower, I heard her start to cry. I walked into her room and put the binky back in her mouth and covered her back up with her blanket. Then I heard her start talking to herself and moving/kicking around the crib for the next 30 min. She was apparently done playing so she started to cry, I again when into her room and put the binky back in her mouth and told her night night.
I was all done getting ready for work at this point and was in the kitchen making coffee and getting her breakfast ready. It was 6am and I could hear her quietly babbling so I went in to see if she was ready to get up. If I had know what I would find, I would have grabbed the camera……
Emersyn was on her back, had unbuttoned all the buttons on one leg of her jammies (I didn’t even know she knew how to do this), had pulled her foot out and was sucking on her toes lol. Apparently, that sounded like a fun thing to do at 6 on a Friday morning. And as always, I got my huge smile from her when I walked in. Now though- I fear I will walk in tomorrow morning and my girl will be pajama-less.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

No shirt, No shoes... time to eat

I have heard of those kids that hate to be messy. That want to stay clean even during dinner time. That don't want food all over them..... my child is NOT that child. So.... we have mandated the no shirt rule at dinner. Since she is teething, Emersyn can't go more than 2 minutes without sucking on her hands/fingers these days and this includes dinner so... I put food in and she takes her hand, wipes it all over and then is covered in whatever flavor the day was (today was sweet potatoes and rice cereal). However, since implenting no shirt dinners the mess that I need to clean up after dinner is almost diminished. Just a wipe of the face and hands and I am done. As you can see from the pictures below, my child loves being naked and thinks that shirtless dinners are the coolest thing ever. (Despite Alex's requests.... the adults in the house keep our shirts ON at dinner.) :-)

Alex took the pics and even though it is stupid... I like the up the nose shot at the end lol